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Be Bothered Movement Contest Entry Form

Please submit the following entry form by July 31, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. PST


By submitting this form I agree to the following statements:

  • My parent or legal guardian has consented to my participation in the contest.

  • I am 13-20 years old and reside in Sacramento County, California, USA.

  • My video is focused on preventing youth under the age of 21 from drinking alcohol and using marijuana.

  • My video is between 30-60 seconds long. Everyone shown in my video has given written permission to include them. Note: everyone appearing in winning videos will need to sign a release form.

  • My video only includes my own ideas and work.

  • My video does NOT include nudity, portrayals of nudity, graphic language, and consumption of actual alcohol or marijuana by minors.

  • Any music or sounds in my video are either original or I have received proper permission to use them.

  • I understand my video may be used in messaging campaign materials for the Be Bothered Movement

  • I have read the contest rules


Be bothered logo.png
Be Bothered.

The Be Bothered Movement was created by youth and caring adults working to prevent underage drinking and marijuana use in Sacramento County.


Interpretation and translation services are available for all of our events. Contact us to discuss details.


Phone: 916.498.6960

California Relay Service: 711

Stay Connected!

Thank you for submitting!

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